Anxiety and depression treatment

I will share generously with you many of the excellent skills and tools I have learned over the years to manage anxiety and depression. Collaborating together, we will find what best suits you, and give you the encouragement and support needed to best integrate your skills into your life.
For many of us, anxiety and/or depression seem to be ever present in our lives. We have it, perhaps our parents and grandparents had it, and our kids increasingly have it at younger and younger ages.
It is important to seek help if your symptoms are pervasive. Anxiety and depression treatment are indicated if you cannot pinpoint a known cause (such as a recent significant loss or important life transition), nor find a clear way to resolve the specific stressor. If your symptoms of anxiety and/or depression seem to be seriously impairing your vitality, engagement with life, your relationships, or your fundamental sense of self and you cannot see a healthy solution, you are wise to seek specialized counseling treatment from an anxiety or depression therapist.
Stress often causes much of the anxiety we experience. However, there is no way to successfully eliminate all stress from our lives. Indeed, research shows that some stress actually improves and strengthens us. If you find you are having difficulty managing anxiety as a part of normal daily life, working with an anxiety therapist could bring important and lasting changes.
Anxiety Therapy
depression therapy
Anxiety therapy often involves learning skills to rewire the way your brain responds to stress. Some of the best anxiety treatments include working to gradually tone the nervous system (via new skills) to expand its ability to tolerate ordinary, everyday stress. Some of us are more prone or sensitive to stress, and learning skills that are tailored to your individual makeup and needs can be very effective.
Depression therapy and depression treatment often begin by pinpointing and filling possible gaps in daily wellness activities, such as regular physical exercise, healthy sleep habits, nutrition, and other self-care activities. These activities are often the first things to go when depression sets in, creating a negative feedback loop--the less we engage with the basics of self-care the more depressed we may become. The more depressed we become, the less we want to take care of ourselves in ways that will reduce depression. Many benefit from coaching and encouragement by a trained specialist to change habits in ways that can significantly reduce and eliminate depression. With some pervasive forms of depression, negative self-worth and low self-esteem keep us trapped in depressive mood states, and withdrawn from social supports. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is excellent at helping to pinpoint and transform poor self-esteem, and the behaviors that often lend power to our negative beliefs about ourselves. Learning new skills for compassion and mindfulness are potent antidotes to depression and low self-esteem. We can fundamentally connect to an enduring sense of self-confidence and compassion.